
5 Minutes With – Rid – (UK)

Like most of the drum and bass portals out there, we are all about pushing and promoting new talent, and Rid is one such producer set to make waves over on Holographic Audio with his beast of a track ‘Lucifer’.

The second we heard this track we fell in love with it, and were chuffed to bits when Holographic label head Tyke stepped forward to discuss a possible feature. Our ‘5 Minutes With’ is a perfect platform for introducing brand new producers, so read on to discover a bit more about this awesome newcomer.

Rid! Welcome in!

Before we start then, you’ve jumped from being a one track SoundCloud producer to having a release on one of the hottest labels in the UK. I’m pretty sure that’s almost unheard of. How the heck did it come about?

I started working with Tyke in March of last year and he really helped me develop my skills in production (and still is!). We made a few tracks prior to Lucifer, but it was Lucifer that really popped out to Tyke and he was immediately keen to sign the track to Holographic Audio. I was over the moon with that, as I’ve always loved Holographic’s output and hugely respected Tyke as a producer. We have a lot of fun during the sessions. He’s really helped me progress with my production. I really appreciate his efforts.

Also, my first tune ‘Final Flash’ on Soundcloud was self-released to make money for Child Brain Injury Trust (which is still available to buy for the charity on my Bandcamp!)

You have a frontal lobe brain injury. Do you mind sharing a bit of information about it, and explain how it affects your ability to make music?  

I was in an explosion at work and I was in hospital for a month after. From this, I acquired a frontal lobe brain injury which effects my concentration levels, my impulsivity, fatigue and empathy. Also, it has left me deaf in my right ear, and blind in my right eye. I could write pages about the difficulties and life changes that come with a brain injury but all I want to really say is that I’m very lucky to be alive and I’m now married to the woman of my dreams with two beautiful girls. What more could I want? Also, because I know about the difficulties of life with a brain injury, I choose to support children with brain injuries charities. It’s really important to me that I help others.

Wow. That is some story, and such an amazing cause you’re supporting. God bless you.

Being partially deaf must make creating music pretty tricky. Is there a certain set of headphones or monitor positioning you’ve found to make this easier? How have you worked your way around this obstacle?

You get used to being able to hear in one ear so when it comes to making music, it’s just like listening to anything else in your life. Same with my vision. Your body adapts. There weren’t really any special amendments made, which looking back on it I find fascinating. You just sort of get used to it after a while and then all of a sudden the hearing you have is your version of normal. What I can tell you is that I only use one headphone when I’m DJing, but then who doesn’t!?

Most producers take years and years to find their way around a DAW and other studio equipment, so how have you managed to do it so quickly? Is there a particular set of software you use?

Cause I’m a boss! Haha. I’ve had tutoring with Tyke one day a week for nearly a year now. I’ve always had an ear for music though after DJing for years (since I was 17), so I already knew the sounds that I liked and wanted to make. I use Logic.

The track itself is an absolute beast. It’s totally relentless from start to finish. The second we heard it we were straight on it and are really chuffed to have been able to talk to you about it. Can you tell us a bit about some of the components of the track? We absolutely love the DRUMZ!

I love the drums too, they really bring life to the track! The vocal sample, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t going to use originally. It was going to be more of a Jazzy sample, but it didn’t work well with the drums. However, when I found the Lucifer sample, it dropped in really well with the drums… and the track was born!

Tell us a bit about your influences then, and who you look to in terms of production techniques and values, and why?

Serial Killaz are a huge influence on me in terms of production. They smash their remixes. Their drums are always on point. Also, ‘Peace, Love & Unity’ was the track that actually got me hooked onto drums. Rest in Peace the legend that is Fats. Another track that has hugely influenced me is DJ Marky’s ‘LK’. It’s such a good tune that always puts a smile on my face, no matter where I am.

You mentioned that you DJ too and are also partial to a bit of garage. Do you have any plans to move into production in that area in the future?

Yes – definitely! Once I’m happy with my production techniques and my progression in drum & bass, the garage scene is next!

And the name RID. Is there a special meaning behind it

Yes, there is! When I was younger, I used to be a bit of a joker, always ridiculing my friends… so people just started calling me ridicule, then got lazy with it and started calling me Rid!

We sincerely wish you all the best with the release, and we are pretty sure that your story is going to be hugely inspirational, not only to drum and bass fans with disabilities, but also to producers who are right at the start of their journey and are looking to make an indent. What would you say to anybody in either of those situations who are looking for some advice and guidance?

This is going to sound cliché, but don’t give up on your dreams. Don’t be put off by the ‘no’s, because not everyone is going to have the same vision as you but keep your vision, stay focused, work hard and you’ll get your break.


Stream Rid music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud

Rid – Lucifer – INSIDE DNB PREMIERE – 20-3-23 by (

Dan Inside

Did some bits for Eternity Magazine back in the 90s, then some bits for Knowledge and UKF over the last 20 years on and off. Now running this website as a form of therapy, but also to keep in touch with the music and pay it forward, both to established artists and the new gen, because without them the music dies.

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