
5 Minutes With + Guest Mix – DJ Folly – (UK)

DJ Folly

DJ Folly has been streaming regularly on Twitch for a good couple of years now and has been a friend of the website since we first started. Always there with a smile and ready to make you giggle, he also throws down some serious noise and we were delighted to see him win the recent Invicta Audio competition to pay at their prestigious NYE even in Cardiff.

Everyone loves a Guest Mix and we’re no exception. It’s something we’re looking to expand on this year, and of course we were over the moon when Folly offered us a copy of his NYE set for the site. While he’s not a stranger to the 1s and 2s, he is just starting to break out into the club circuit, and we’re pretty sure he’s gonna shake shit up too. So without further ado, here’s our man Folly, one of the original INSIDE DNB family.

Folly! Welcome in!!!!!

Give us a brief introduction to who you are and what you do with your working week.

Yes Yes!! I’m Adam. Family man, live with my wife and 2 boys. Monday to Friday I’m a window and door fitter running my own company now for around 10 years.

You’ve been a regular Twitch streamer for a while now. How did you discover Twitch DNB in the first place?

I discovered Twitch through my best mate and life long raving partner, Jock. I started streaming just to him as a way of us socialising during the lockdown.

You’ve gone from streaming in the kitchen to banging tunes out of your dedicated stream space. One of the amazing things about Twitch is the streaming spaces people work so hard on. Yours looks like a pretty fun place to be!

Yea man! I love it in Follywood, or the Dub Hub as it’s became recently known. The wife managed to convince me to relocate to the garden. So a purpose built summer house was created and it’s became my happy place. A lot of time and effort has gone into creating my backyard bar.

You play a varied assortment of DNB, so what would you describe your style if you had to pin it down?

I’ve worked really hard to develop my own unique sound. I really love the vibes coming out of Bristol right now, so if I had to pin it down, I’d say bass heavy rollers. I’m always drawn to my first love of drum and bass though in jump up.

And if you had to pick a decade or maybe even a favourite year for DNB, what would you choose?

Easily 2007-2012, with 2009 probably being my favourite year. I was heavily into the rave scene during those years.

And would you say you gravitate towards certain labels to help create a unique style?

As I said about the Bristol vibe. I find myself gravitating towards labels such as Invicta Audio, Born On Road and Jungle Cakes. A friend of mine also runs a label called Alien Audio Sounds. I get sent the majority of their releases. I’m networking very very hard to build my folders of dubs and unreleased weapons to keep my sound as unique as possible. I’m also hopefully going to be able to make the move into producing early this year.

You did amazingly well in the Invicta Audio New Years Eve competition, bagging first place and playing a blinding set which you’ve kindly donated for our latest Guest Mix. There was A LOT of serious heat in that competition line up with some heavy support coming from all angles. Winning that must have been a real buzz!!

Yeah man! The buzz was amazing! Honestly though, the most humbling thing for me during the whole competition was seeing how many people got behind me. I smashed the public vote in every round comfortably. It was amazing to see just how many people truly believe in me.

So, you’re looking at getting some potential gigs off the back of that now then? What are the next immediate steps for DJ Folly?

Yeah. I’m putting myself out there in as many places as I can, trying to build up my social media. I’m massively dedicated to getting out on the club scene as much as I can. I’ve just had my first booking for 2024 confirmed as well. All will be announced on my socials in the next couple of weeks.

Away from DNB you’re a keen fisherman. What is it about the sport that you love so much?

I just love the peace and tranquillity of it all. I was competing at a decent level in the UK boxing scene too, until a couple of years ago. It was a balance mentally for me. Although I love the rave scene and the hundreds of people you meet and party with, I also love just being alone, chilled and quiet.

And what else do you do to relax after a hard days graft?

Spending a couple of hours in my studio in the evening is my relaxation time. I find it chills me out and helps me switch off. There’s nothing like replacing the sound of a drill all day with some stupidly loud drum n bass!

Well, you know we’re rooting for you here at INSIDE DNB and hope this feature helps you on your journey. Thanks for the Guest Mix!


Dan Inside

Did some bits for Eternity Magazine back in the 90s, then some bits for Knowledge and UKF over the last 20 years on and off. Now running this website as a form of therapy, but also to keep in touch with the music and pay it forward, both to established artists and the new gen, because without them the music dies.

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