Dope Ammo


DJ Profile – Promo Zo (UK)

Promo Zo has a history rooted in the background and business end of DNB. She has been involved with the Drum & Bass Arena LP series, worked at one of the biggest British dance music labels of the 90s in React Music, worked at legendary London venue The Limelight and now makes DNB, plays at venues all over the country and has her own radio show on Bassdrive. Read her fascinating story here!

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Moondance Remix Album – Dope Ammo, Danny Byrd, Billy ‘Daniel’ Bunter

Moondance is a name well connected with quality rave events, but what about old skool LP’s? Veteran DNB soldier Dope Ammo has been tirelessly working on a very, very special LP featuring a veritable who’s who of DNB and jungle. With original material as well as remixes of some of the all time classics, we managed to touch base with Dope Ammo himself, as well as legends in the game Danny Byrd and Daniel ‘Billy’ Bunter to hear their stories about creating, and recreating some of the best old skool tracks of all time. N-JOI!

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