1993 – Darkside Jungle

Ah! 1993. What a fabulous year for drum and bass. The summer of 1992 was a peak year for the rave scene, with massive raves garnering massive crowds and massive tunes tearing down sound systems all over the UK, but by the winter of that same year the mood had changed.

The influence of Belgium and it’s screeching synths slowly faded away, alongside those huge piano riffs that seemed to dominate every other tune, and in their place came something deeper and darker. The was a greater focus on drum programming and layering, and the combination of bass and drums came to the forefront.

None of this happened over night of course, and ’93 was also where the very first seeds of  both the the happy hardcore and liquid (intelligent drum and bass) movements were sown, but as ever, we’re looking at the roots of jungle (that is, the style of music from ’94/’95 – not the overriding descriptor for the entire movement. To us, the production style of true jungle was the sound that emerged in those two key years. Not everyone will agree, but each to their own. We’re heading towards our interpretation of that sound as we progress through these lists).

This  intentional move by producers to veer towards something with depth and integrity helped develop the jungle sound of the following year. As always, cramming 30 tracks into one list covering 12 months is one heck of a challenge, so yes, there are some stone cold classics in here, but also some less obvious choices picked to help give a rounded view of the changes taking place during this important but often overlooked year in our musical history.

1. Smith Inc - Palamino

What better way to start this absolutely essential year in the history of drum and bass music. As well as having the second coolest name in the scene next to Grooverider, Simon 'Bassline' Smith was also fast becoming one of the best and most musically inventive producers in the entire movement.

This simply stunning track shows why. If ever there was a track to express the term 'roller' in '93 this has to be it. Dark and moody yet also weirdly uplifting, Palamino just had to be top of the list. In a league of its own.

2. LTJ Bukem - Atlantis

Speaking of highly inventive producers, LTJ Bukem is another one that deserves a gold medal for services to drum and bass. The true essence of pure jungle, that is Amens (or similar breaks edited for maximum effect) a mixture of undulating 808's (often played out in a pattern similar to a reggae bassline) and synth pads and vocals that haunt in their (often) simplicity, is captured here with grace and panache only seen in a handful of other tracks of the year. He was the master of fitting parts of the musical jigsaw together in a way that was musical, inventive, emotive and passionate. There is a reason LTJ Bukem is hailed as one of the most important producers in the drum and bass timeline, and this is possibly the finest example. This is the start of what went on to become 'intelligent drum and bass' right here, and set the style far apart from roughneck jungle. Untouchable.

3. LTJ Bukem - Music

Bukem's other undisputed masterpiece from '93 was this slab of sublime breakbeat ingenuity. Like his DJ sets, his compositions were long, drawn out, masterful, unrushed and perfect. There is no darkness here to speak of, but the essence of jungle (the bouncing 808's and the edited breaks) is here on full display, and this also of course gave his sidekick, the one and only MC Conrad such vast space to express his lyrics that they became a duo unlike any other. Simply stunning.

4.Origin Unknown - Valley Of The Shadows

Of all of the records released in '93 this one has to be in the top five most played ever since. We wonder if Ram Records label boss Andy C had any idea the longevity of this track would be so immense? Probably not is the answer. Yet this thing just refuses to go down, and no wonder. The musical epitome of simplicity and yet every single ingredient (and there aren't many when you break it down) cause pure devastation to every sound system it passes through. The jungle revolution starts here.

5.Dr Krome & Mr Time - The Slammer

Before we head further into jungle territory it is vitally important of course to remember that 'hardcore' didn't just vanish overnight, and there was still a strong vein running through the centre of rave culture for the whole of 1993. This eventually turned into happy jungle which morphed into happy hardcore, and this incredible piece by Krome & Time is a classic example of what happened when piano and breaks collided in the aftermath of the '92 overdose. Pure class and excellently produced.

6.Engineers Without Fears - Spiritual Aura

Aston Harvey was behind more ground breaking records than one might understand (our previous years bare witness to this), and this simply epic piece of music (written by DJ Rap) is no exception. Music this good is hard to describe at times, but save for that goosebump creating pad/vocal refrain this is hard as nails, in your face drum and bass, with those simply unforgettable snare fills that were THE BEST THING EVER to dance to! Another very important record in the jungle story, and an interesting foray into the emerging 'intelligent drum and bass' sound.

7.DJ Solo - Darkage

Wow. THIS is at the very root of junglism. With a hardcore overtone but also with one foot firmly in the jungle, this thing was one of the best tracks Production House put out in '93. The breakbeat selection, and the way they interspersed with each other is just pure jungle fire. Darkage indeed. Essential.

8.Ed Rush - Bludclot Artattack

The very essence of 'Darkside Hardcore' and created way before Ed Rush became the international public figure in drum and bass that he is today, the ingenuity shines through in droves. If anybody ever wanted to pick just one track to encapsulate the term 'Darkside' this would as good as any. It's just ridiculous. And the way those breaks pushed right back in the mix tease you at the start before boxing you around the ears! Ooof! This was also very early doors for No U-Turn, who went on to become a scene defining label in later years. Sinister!

9.Bizzy B & D.Lux - Take A Deep Breath

Bizzy B was such an essential figure during the early days of the movement. He pushed every boundary going and really pushed the perception of what could be achieved behind the desk without fear. The results were off the chart pieces of musical madness with more than a tiny hint of genius. He is certainly one producer who never lost his 'ardkore and we salute Bizzy B to the maximum. A proper junglist soldier with no mistake. Just listen to this thing! Here he teams up with D.Lux for this whopper. Relentless!

10.DJ Tango - Future Followers

Two years after this Formation Records would quite literally go on to define the jungle sound in just a handful of records, but in '93 they were pushing the darkside sound HARD. DJ Tango was simply a master of the genre and this wikked tune shows him at his best. With every element required in perfect proportion, and LOADS OF BASS, this was one of many Tango tunes we could have included. Tango sadly passed away some time ago, but his legacy will live on forever with the stunning, scene defining music he created. Highly influential. RIEP Tango.

11.4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse - Drowning In Her

This never, ever fails to give us Goosebumps. This is so perfectly crafted that there is NOTHING anybody could possibly change, yet remarkably it got a remix a while later that was also FLIPPIN BRILLIANT! Anyway, break this down into its component parts and what you have here is a jungle masterpiece. There are elements of darkside, elements (as small as they are - of hardcore), there are oodles of junglism and drum and bass and a shit load of brilliance. Simply superb.

12.Jo - R-Type


Slipmatt and Lime were one of those magical duos capable of great things, but also dipped out of that space from time to time to create their own music. This was a collaboration between Lime and Jo that has stood the test of time and become recognised as a darkside classic. No guessing why of course. It's absolutely stunning. BOOM!

13. The House Crew - The Theme

With it's wellington boots firmly stuck in the hardcore sound of the previous couple of years, this belter is also awash with the darkest of dark overlays, still retaining a true essence of Belgium at its core but also propelling forwards into 1993. This thing really kicks ass. That break is just soooooooooo powerful. Not jungle, but not 'ardkore either, this was a mighty crossover track that shows perfectly what the transition between those two styles sounded like. DYCE!

14.DJ Crystl - Warp Drive

A TRUE jungle blueprint. Nothing ore to say, apart from PLAY IT LOUD!

15. Inta-Warriors - Dreams Of Heaven - (The Chance Mix)

Sheesh. Proving that DJ Grooverider was always setting standards. Absolute purist jungle and a sure sign of what 1994 was going to sound like. Probably not the only track from '93 to use the Reece but definitely the most obvious AND most devastating.

16.Omni Trio - Renegade Snares (Original Mix)

There's no way this couldn't get a mention. Most people who love their drum and bass will know this, or if not this then the Foul Play remix that came through a few years later. Rob Haigh AKA Omni Trio bought something to drum and bass that no other producer did in equal measure, and that is something so unique that we can't even find words for it. It was just 'this'. Also not to be missed from this pinnacle year is the sowing of the very first seeds of the 'intelligent' drum and bass movement of the mid 90s, the pre-cursor to modern liquid and a style of breakbeat music that edges away from musical brutality designed to rock and shock, and moves closer to something jazzy, soulful, symphonic almost. This is where it started. Utterly ground breaking.

17.Johnny Jungle - Flammable

With those two genres discussed at some small length, let's deep dive back into the jungle. Suburban Base were at the forefront of the darkside style with their 'Sub Plates' collections and numerous releases from some of the scenes heavy hitters. This seminal darkside/jungle classic screams quality from every beat of every bar. Baaaad!

18.Johnny Jungle - I Like To Cry

Sticking with Johnny Jungle (Pascal & Sponge - who went on to do DEADLY things later on in the decade) for another track potentially better known for its remixes. Fusing Mentasm madness with full on jungle beats, this is a '93 overlap in the spirit of jungle techno. Cantering.

19.DJ Trace - Never Felt This Way

There might not be a more tantalisingly teasing track from '93 than this. This track is basically just over 5 minutes of waiting for a piano riff to start that never starts (92 heads will know what we're talking about!) It's also a full drum and bass assault on your eardrums with more twists and turns than you'd think could be squeezed into 5 minutes. Full of energy and highly inventive. Bangin!

20.Remarc - Help Me

Remarc. A hugely influential part of the jungle machine and responsible for some of the biggest tunes of the golden era, his speciality was insane drum edits and you can hear that starting to blossom here. SCARY!

21.Deep Blue - The Helicopter Tune

There are tunes we could have added and then there are tunes we could never have left out. This is one of them. Possibly one of the purest jungle tracks of 1993, and hugely popular even now, this massive tune is the sonic epitome of early 90s drum and bass. Deadly.

22.Roni Size - Music Box

Still several years away from their Mercury Award, but showing clear signs regarding the reason they got anywhere near one in the first place, this sublime slab of jungle is solidly stamped with a Bristol shaped hallmark. Cinematic, jazz infused, junglistic, and with just the slightest hint of hardcore, this wonderful record said goodbye to the darkside and hello to something far more intricate. A must have in anybody's jungle history book and a deeper look into drum and bass as a stand alone style. Beautiful.

23. Tayla - Bang The Drums

Way ahead of its time and released right on the cusp of the year end, this blissful work out by Tayla set a completely new standard for what was to become intelligent drum and bass. A stunning piece of music.

24. D.O.P.E - When I Was Young (DJ Easy B & T-Bags Revisited Mix)

With elements of screaming hardcore left over from '92 and clattering breaks forging deep into '93, this absolute stinker (with added 4/4 to keep that floor pumping) still sounds sinister. Fab!

25. Q Project - Champion Sound

Yikes. This absolute monster straddled the realms of hardcore and darkside jungle effortlessly. You couldn't escape this in '93. You wouldn't have wanted to either.

26.Conquering Lion - Lion Of Judah

Rebel MC made his name back in '89 with the summer anthem 'Street Tuff' and features heavily in our earlier sections, but by 1993 he had re-invented himself as one of the leading proponents of the emerging junglist movement. Blending the deep spirituality of Rastafarianism with UK street culture gave his music of the era a unique sound, and one that was hugely influential over the course of the golden era. Wikked.

27.Uncle 22 - 6 Million Ways To Die (DJ Hype Remix

DJ Hype was unstoppable during the early 90s and either wrote or remixed some of the most memorable tracks of the early half of the decade. His knack for seamlessly blending a whole of multitude of breaks into very small spaces, and overlaying them with some of the scariest sounds at his disposal gave him a completely unique sound that was instantly recognisable. This is just one of many head spinning tunes he reworked in '93. Highly inventive!

28.Lemon D - Something I Feel

As we make our way to the end of 1993, hopefully you can see the way the darkside sound gave way to a more unadulterated form of pure jungle. Clearly this was an organic process across the 12 months but 1993 was really the year that jungle as an entity started to grow into something both definable and tangible. Lemon D made some massively influential tunes during the golden era and it seems to have started here. When you consider that this was released on promo at the tail end of 1992, it makes this even more relevant, because unless you knew that, we don't think you'd be able to tell. This has all of the hallmarks of a massive darkside tune. A proper darkside roller with just a hint of Bizzy B. Ruff!

29.Grooverider - Sinister (The Influence Remix

Yikes. What a slab of nastiness this is. If you minused the Belgian techno stabs this would be pure jungle. This track is notable for that alone, but also proved that 2 years on from 1991 the sound of Belgium was still very much in force. DEADLY.

30.Droppin' Science - Vol 1

We last saw Droppin' Science AKA Danny Breaks back in the 1991 Piano Breakbeat section under the name of Sonz Of A Loop Da Loop Era, , but here he's on a whole new level. Finishing off this 30 track list, we've tried to show the journey from the latter stages of breakbeat hardcore, through the short lived but incredibly fruitful darkside era, and on into the latter part of the year where the very first seeds of pure jungle were being sown. This is a killer track to end on, and among all of the individual styles present in this list, it shows the creative diversity of the music of this pinnacle year, fusing jungle with lush musicality that spawned the intelligent drum and bas movement. Hop into 1994 and see how the following year developed!

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