Twitch DNB – Breakbeat Awards 2022 Winners Speak Up!

What a way to see out 2022! This is our last feature of the year and we are very proud to represent some of the winners of this awesome event here in our platform.
After some deliberation and A LOT of really hard work behind the scenes, the coveted Breakbeat Awards for Twitch DNB finally took place just in time for Christmas!
With Norbskii hosting and video appearances from a good number of Twitch regulars, the event went down excellently with slick production and seamless visuals.
We have managed to catch up some of the winners to gain their reaction to the wins and to see what 2023 has in store for them, and us!
Here are their answers!

“First off I would definitely like to say a huge thank you to the community. Also just to kind of give the community some clarity on my name and how I got it and why I have it. I originally thought of this name for my son about 3 years ago. He’s always trying to figure out some creative name and I thought of Sparklefartss and we thought it was hilarious. He used it for a short time and everyone thought he was a girl, so he decided to go with his own original name which is highly clever (but I will not share only because he is under the age of 18). So I took over Sparklefartss.
The reason why I have sparkle farts as my name is because I have a fun sparkly attitude with a very fartsy humour. I wanted a name that people would remember and that would also bring a smile to their face and make them laugh.
For 2023 my plans are to continue my Movie Nights on Twitch which will be held on Mondays. I found them to be very successful over Halloween and Christmas and it brought a lot of joy to people and that is my goal in life. Also I want to do a community night so that way I will be streaming and playing along with other gamer streamers. That way we can network and build our channels together while also having fun like we like to do. My whole reason for streaming was to be able to reach out and meet new people who enjoy the things that I do, so I can game with them and just have fun in life!”

“I can’t believe I’ve won best Twitch DNB Mod 2 years in a row! My sincere gratitude to each & every person who voted for me. Respect to all the Mods out there who help to keep the community a safe and happy place. During the Covid pandemic lockdown many strong bonds were formed in the DNB Community. I’m so pleased that these friendships have continued to grow and flourish. Mad love to my Twitch Fam!
Plans for 2023? I reached 1K followers in late November and had wanted to do a celebration raid train featuring channels I Mod for but the timing was off with Christmas right around the corner and frankly the darkness of November had me in it’s grip. This win gives me even more reason to want to celebrate and so I hope to organize this train sometime in the new year, though perhaps not until my Birthday in March.”

“This win was never expected! I am totally surprised, thank you all so much for voting in the BBA. My partner Zziksdotcom and I are always tying to think of new and goofier things for my Twitch stream, although it appears that my two cats have already done all of that for us in one of their 9 lives. The goal of Twitch is to have fun and since its live tv, to always expect chaos.
My plans for 20223 are to stream as much as possible. Play awesome tunes. Possibly try gaming. Give the cat overlords treats. Make as many people smile as I possibly can. Dream up some innovative stuff that folks aren’t doing or try a different take on something that someone is already doing, but make it more Miss Jackalope.”

“It was a complete honour to have the nominations that I did, considering the depth of talent we have in the community. So many people put a ton of effort and time into their productions and whether they got nominated or not, I hope they know their work is appreciated.
Just want to take a moment to thank the community for supporting me to the win’s I took home at this years Break Beat Awards. I wouldn’t have even been there without the communities backing and for that, I am extremely grateful. Thank you to all those that voted and made this possible. I hope you know how much of a positive impact you all have on others lives.
2023 is going to be an interesting year! I’m sure there is a lot on the horizon regarding upcoming excitement and opportunities. We will be doing our 6 k celebration stream sometime soon, and it will be 2 years of streaming on twitch in February as well! I look forward to expanding the positive impact we all have on music culture, and doing my part to help contribute to that. Big ups the Moases Massive!”

“Thanks very much.! I’m really happy to receive this award and will continue to develop my channel and be there for my community. We also do production advice, mental health support as well as the DJing stuff. I’m really proud of how far its come.”

“It’s been amazing to have been nominated in two categories and winning best new streamer award in my first year on Twitch is mad!!! I had set out some goals for the year, some of which I accomplished some I didn’t. One goal I did accomplish though was 2000 hours streaming only drum and bass. If I could give anyone advice when starting on Twitch, it is to be consistent, work hard and stay dedicated to your community.
As for 2023, I have some new weekly shows planned, upgrades on the studio, more time on producing and we will also be expanding on the Future Legends collective. Want to thank you to the whole Twitch community for their love and support over the last year!!!
Means a lot my G’s

“I definitely wasn’t expecting it to be honest. I transitioned from doing mainly production streams midway through 2022 to mostly DJ streams, so it came as a huge surprise. A wonderful one! People obviously love the production streams. We have an incredible production community on my Twitch channel, in the Discord and on my YouTube channel. I just want to say thank you to everyone who voted for me and who appreciates the work that I’ve put into the production side of things. It means a lot and motivates me to keep going.
My plan for this year is to build a few more production courses on my website. A lot of people have been requesting more course content and I have struggled to find the time to record new videos. I’m going to pause on the YouTube channel for a bit and keep my focus on Twitch streams, course building behind the scenes, a few more production streams (as people clearly appreciate them!) and also finishing my own music. The community are really important to me. So I’m trying to find the balance of streaming and video creation, whilst also offering up more content for people to learn and grow in production and DJing”

“Firstly, I really appreciate that we as a group, got the Jungle Category back!!! That makes me happy! Secondly, I was very surprised by winning this award! The other people nominated for this amazing award are some of the best Twitch Junglists in the world. And I really feel it should have been a tie between us all!
For Best Vinyl DJ, I really feel that other’s are better than me at vinyl, and I can say that with all honesty! It’s just nice to see more and more people getting into vinyl, that is really something everyone nominated has in common! I really feel that playing vinyl on this platform helps out small labels trying to keep vinyl alive and that is the best reward anyone that plays vinyl can ask for! Long live Vinyl!!!
For 2023: Have fun, enjoy this awesome community and keep the good times spinning around the decks!”

“It was great to just be nominated but lovely to win! Big thank you to everyone that voted for me and generally just a big thank you to the whole Twitch DNB community for the huge support!
From January I’m going to be working super hard on a new schedule. Studio Production livestreams 3 days a week, Tues/Weds/Thurs starting around 2pm. Loads more non-DJing Music streams on Twitch.
I’ll be moving my DJ sets over to YouTube to keep them separate while I try to focus more on the music creation content on twitch.
Lots of cool stuff coming up but also lots of hard work!”

And finally: A message from the Breakbeat Awards team themselves, who have been working hard for months to bring this exciting exciting event to fruition in order to give recognition to the Twitch DNB scene.
“We were extremely happy to have a wide and inclusive set of nominees for the awards in 2022, with more new names as well as some familiar faces. We will continue to promote inclusion and the awards will always reward and celebrate every member of our community equally.
In 2022 we took the step to remove the award for “Marathon” Streamer, as we believe to promote unhealthy streaming habits goes against the kind of support the community deserves. No one should be encouraged into unhealthy behaviours that may be detrimental to physical or mental well-being.
We are especially pleased to have this years top award for Best Partner go to Char_dj, amongst an exceptionally strong field of partners who were all very deserving”
We are expecting a few more details from some of the other winners shortly and will update this post as and when, so keep your eyes peeled for further info. We just wanted to get this up before the New Year. We thank every single one of you for your continued support through 2022 and look forward to bringing you some more wicked interviews and upfront DNB through 2023! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!